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Showing posts with the label Irlanda

The Process

She knows no one; walks in, timidly, knowing all eyes are on her. The foreigner, the newcomer; they can tell, they can see. She tries to look confident, goes over to a corner and leans on a stool. An excuse, that's all she needs. She doesn't smoke, she doesn't drink, but no one knows that. She scans the place and people, finds the leader, her target. She needs to give him courage, reassurance. She catches his eye and smiles shyly. He starts walking towards her. She relaxes and feels more comfortable, she knows it's easier from now on. She will soon be introduced to the rest of the group, re tell stories she's told hundreds of times, be surprised and laugh at new anecdotes and, at least for tonight, she will belong. Raf

Pop the Bubble

Unos mates, un par de tostadas, Radio Bemba y yo recién levantada. Por un momento me creo nuevamente en Argentina. Entra mi flatmate alemana y me empieza a hablar en inglés, me corto la ilusión. Raf