A Foxy Tale: Raising Baby Foxes on a Small Farm

I've been wanting to write for a long time, but I sit here, and ... nothing. At last, I think I have a story to tell you.    

A couple of days ago, someone was telling me, in a very astonished manner, the close encounter he had had with a fox. This person went on holidays to the country side, and after feeding foxes for a couple of weeks he managed to get reasonably close to one.

I hate myself after I do this, and I know I sound like a total brag, but at this point I blurted out -"My sisters and I raised 4 baby foxes! 3 actually, one died". My partner rolled his eyes, he's used to my unbelievable stories.

An old photo of a toddler holding a teenage fox

How We Came to Raise Baby Foxes

In this story I was ten, lived with my family on a small farm, we were poor. Poor as in our parents borrowed the few coins in our piggy bank to buy bread. Poor, but probably the happiest memories of my entire childhood. My dad was out doing one of his rounds on the field when he heard the cries of cubs near by. Hunting foxes was forbidden at that time, and I can't recall how but he found out the mom had been killed.

Without much hope, but feeling sorry for the cubs, he took them home. We tried feeding them with a bottle, but they rejected it and where getting weaker by the hour, they where dying.

The Unlikely Bond Between Foxes and Our Cat

At the same time, our cat had kittens, they where only a few weeks old. When I saw her feeding her kittens I had the magical idea of trying to get her to feed the fox cubs.
Incredibly enough, not only did she feed the cubs but she took them as her own!
The weakest one was pushed aside by her and died that night, but the other 3 grew until they where twice the size of their adoptive mom and their feline brothers.

Saying Goodbye to Our Fox Family

They grew tame, but only with my sisters and I, no one else could come close. They slowly started leaving for the bushes and coming back less and less often.

We left the farm when the summer ended, it was the saddest of goodbyes. Without knowing it, we where due to our next adventure.
