Yes, I'm back in Buenos Aires.
Now, I look out the window at the grey wall of the building next door, and this Buenos Aires doesn't appeal to me as much as the one they sell in the brochures.
But most of the time, I don't think about it. All it takes is sitting down for a chat, sharing some mate with my sisters and my mom, or going out for drinks with friends to make me forgive myself for coming back.
I enjoy the free time I have, and even though I don’t quite know where I’m headed, I like to believe that everything is incredibly unpredictable, constantly changing, and fun, full of uncertainties and possibilities.
Yes, I'm back in Buenos Aires.
Now, I look out the window at the grey wall of the building next door, and this Buenos Aires doesn't appeal to me as much as the one they sell in the brochures.
But most of the time, I don't think about it. All it takes is sitting down for a chat, sharing some mate with my sisters and my mom, or going out for drinks with friends to make me forgive myself for coming back.
I enjoy the free time I have, and even though I don’t quite know where I’m headed, I like to believe that everything is incredibly unpredictable, constantly changing, and fun, full of uncertainties and possibilities.
Now, I look out the window at the grey wall of the building next door, and this Buenos Aires doesn't appeal to me as much as the one they sell in the brochures.
But most of the time, I don't think about it. All it takes is sitting down for a chat, sharing some mate with my sisters and my mom, or going out for drinks with friends to make me forgive myself for coming back.
I enjoy the free time I have, and even though I don’t quite know where I’m headed, I like to believe that everything is incredibly unpredictable, constantly changing, and fun, full of uncertainties and possibilities.
Buenos Aires
Si, ando de vuelta por Buenos Aires.
Ahora miro a través de mi ventana la pared gris del edificio de al lado, y este Buenos Aires no me agrada tanto como el que venden por ahí.
Pero la mayor parte del tiempo ni me acuerdo de eso. Basta con sentarme a charlar, mate de por medio, con mis hermanas y mi vieja, o salir a tomar algo con amigos para que me perdone por haber vuelto.
Me agrada el tiempo que tengo libre, y aunque no sepa bien mi rumbo me gusta creer que todo es increiblemente impredecible, cambiante y divertido, lleno de incógnitas y posibilidades.
Ahora miro a través de mi ventana la pared gris del edificio de al lado, y este Buenos Aires no me agrada tanto como el que venden por ahí.
Pero la mayor parte del tiempo ni me acuerdo de eso. Basta con sentarme a charlar, mate de por medio, con mis hermanas y mi vieja, o salir a tomar algo con amigos para que me perdone por haber vuelto.
Me agrada el tiempo que tengo libre, y aunque no sepa bien mi rumbo me gusta creer que todo es increiblemente impredecible, cambiante y divertido, lleno de incógnitas y posibilidades.
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