-250 gr. de pão françes por favor.
Normally I would ask for a 1/4 kg but, remembering last time I tried, I decided 250grs. was more literal and easy to understand.
The 2 attendants look at each other in puzzlement. Here we go, I thought.
Attendant 1: -250gr.? Como assim?
Me: -Sim, 250gr., 1/4 de Kilo.
Attendant 1: -4Kg?!?
Me: -Não, um quarto de kilo. 250 grs.
I can't hide my smile.
One of the attendants suddenly brightens up and says in triumph to the other one:
-É mais ou menos 1/2 Kg! 500gr.
Me: -Não! é exatamente a metade disso. 250gr.
Attendant 2: -Quantos pães? 4?
Me: -Sei la, começa a botar no saco que eu digo quando chega.
She starts filling up a paper bag with bread.
Me: -Acho que deve ter 250grs aproximadamente ahi.
Attendant 2: -Mais e para botar 4kg, né?
I make sure they put it on the scale, so they understand what I meant. The scale reads 265 grs. They hand me the bag and I can tell they still didn't grasp the concept and think I'm a total wako.
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