"I'm a little sad. This week, three friends died. They were killed. The police killed them while they were trying to steal a car. No, I don't do that. I work. If I were stealing, I wouldn’t be working here for pennies, living where I live, and having to travel two hours to get here. I guess that when you start stealing, you realize the life you could actually have, the life everyone should have. I'm not talking about stealing itself, but about being able to access things that we all should be able to access. I’m 21, my first child is about to be born. I will become a father!
I think it's a good age to have a child, don’t you think? I can’t wait for him to be born, less than two months to go. His name will be Gabriel. No, I'm not married. My girlfriend left me. We fought a lot, argued all the time, and she decided it was better for us to separate."
What he doesn't know is that tomorrow he will be fired from his job, and the doors will close for him. That probably, even if he tries and makes an inhuman effort to keep going, he will find no way out other than the same one his friends found, and he will probably meet the same fate. I know he probably didn't finish primary school. I know that the helplessness I feel forces me to pretend that I’m focused on answering an email, which I give way more importance to than it really deserves. I'm too cowardly to tell him tomorrow, to warn him, to help him.
“Get out of here, go do something, don’t just sit here, leave me alone.”
He confuses my repressed tears with hostility, smiles that typical smile of someone who is resigned, gets up, and leaves.
Raf (a fragment of my day that keeps repeating in my head - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)."
🇦🇷 El único color de rosa es el de las paredes (Bonita)
“Estoy un poco triste. Esta semana murieron 3 amigos. Los mataron. Los mato la policía mientras intentaban robar un auto. No, yo no hago eso, yo laburo. Si robase, no estaría trabajando acá por monedas, viviendo donde vivo y teniendo que viajar 2 horas para llegar hasta acá. Supongo que cuando empezas a robar, te das cuenta de la vida que en realidad podrías tener, de la vida que todos deberían tener, no me refiero a la parte de robar en si, sino de poder acceder a cosas a las que todos deberíamos poder acceder. Tengo 21, mi primer hijo esta por nacer. Creo que es una buena edad para tener un hijo, no te parece? Ya quiero que nazca, faltan menos de 2 meses. Se va a llamar Gabriel. No, no estoy casado, mi novia me dejo, nos peleábamos mucho, discutíamos todo el tiempo y ella decidió que era mejor separarnos.“
Lo que él no sabe es que mañana será despedido de su trabajo, y que se le cerraran las puertas. Que probablemente aunque lo intente y decida seguir haciendo un esfuerzo inhumano para lograrlo, no le encuentre otra salida que la misma que encontraron sus amigos, y que probablemente correrá su misma suerte. Se que probablemente no termino el primario, se que la impotencia que siento me obliga a hacer de cuenta que estoy concentrada en responder un e-mail al que le doy mucha mas importancia de la que realmente tiene. Soy demasiado cobarde para adelantarle mañana, para prevenirlo, para ayudarlo.
“Andate de acá, anda a hacer algo, no te quedes acá sentado, dejame sola.”
Confunde mis lágrimas reprimidas por antipatía, sonríe esa sonrisa típica de quien está resignado, se levanta y se va.
Raf (un fragmento de mi hoy que no para de repetirse en mi cabeza- Rio de Janeiro, Brasil).
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