Where humans are concerned, everything is subjective. Every step I take, without even trying I gather more evidence of that.
Comic art, on a wall on a street in Amsterdam.
Schizophrenic thoughts of Amsterdam
Amsterdam. The Mecca of controlled freedom. The illusion of complete freedom, of superior thinking, of life as it should be. Everyone minds their own business and nobody else's. So abstract in their own world they don't even notice what happens next to them, or they decide to ignore it. What a feeling of solitude these people must experience, all alone, in their tiny bubble, what a childish attitude: -lalala, I can't hear you, lalala, I can't see you and you can't make me.
Amsterdam. As long as your actions don't get in the way or hurt anyone, do whatever you please, we promise to pretend we didn't see. You will not be judged. You will not be discriminated. Lust is welcome, as long as you play by the rules and pay for it. We welcome soft drugs; tourists please don't be a rookies and use them right.
Amsterdam. Wow! People freely smoking joints and drinking on the streets, bars and parks. Wow! Girls barely off age, semi-naked posing in show windows selling themselves. Wow! Drugs legally sold at a very accessible price: -1 latte please. Ah, and 1 gram of white widow please. Wow! I blush at the sight of a Politie (cop)...oh! right I remind myself, I'm doing nothing wrong.
very poetic and true, that´s adam! :>