To imprecise questions, vague answers

I need to update my blog, I keep telling myself. But whenever I try to write something I just get distracted by MSN, some discussion in the forum, fb, jobsearching, or I simply don't know where to begin writing (like now).

I get a few e-mails from people who are coming here, asking me stuff, but it's always the same: 'Is it easy to find a job?', ' How's Dublin?', 'Are people nice?' and that kind of incredibly vague questions which can only be answered in the same imprecise tone. I know many are just trying to establish some kind of link, connection, get some reassurance from the unknown before heading there.

Truth is, at least as I see it, that everything is subjective. It depends. On your personality, luck, personal objectives, plans, expectations, capacity to adapt, to see alternative solutions to daily situations, tolerance, insistence, self initiative, people you meet, more luck, and many other factors.

View of Dublin and the hills from my flat.


