Wanna Guinness?

First impressions

My first impression of Ireland was through a charismatic irish guy I met on the flight and Shannon. During the short flight from London to Dublin, the plane had to go off course and land in Shannon because it was snowing in Dublin. 

We were then herded into a bus that brought us to Dublin (my new friend stayed in Shannon). Even though I was exhausted because of the trip (Maputo-Johannesburg-London-Shannon-Dublin) I tried to stay awake and take in a bit of Ireland's country-side.

I got to Dubin at around 8pm, it was sleeting and I had no sense of orientation. All I knew was that I was getting off near the city centre. Fortunately and Irish man who was traveling on the same bus offered to share a cab with me and drop me off at Heuston Station, which was the reference point my Couch Surfing host had given me. 

First contacts

I was supposed to arrive at 2 pm, and I hadn't been able to call him to let him know that I was running late so I was a little worried he wouldn't host me. 

I found a payphone at the station, got some change and tried calling him. The phone took my euro but didn't make the call. Between curses, I started thinking of my backup plan: a backpacker. Just then, I got lucky again, and a homeless drunk kid came to tell me the phone wasn't working and that I had to add a zero to the number I was dialing. So he showed me a phone that did work and dialed the number correctly for me (poor kid I was so into making the call I didn't notice him walking away).

My Couch Surfing host (Brazilian) met me at the station and we walked to his place which is only 2 blocks away. He shares the flat with a friendly Italian couple and a French guy. When I got there they weren't home. My host prepared some dinner (best frozen pizza ever, my first meal since 4 am that morning). I was ready to get some sleep, but we ended up going to a Pub near by. What better introduction to Dublin?

I crashed for a couple of nights at this flat, and then the daughter of a friend of my mom's offered me a place at her flat until I found my own. Same as my previous host, she was incredibly helpful and helped me get organized, and made me the contacts for my first job.

First month 

After a few days I managed to find a place to move to, which is where I am right now. I live besides de the Guinness Factory (which I will most likely repeat in other occasion reminds me terribly of Roald Dahl's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'). I share the flat with 4 other people: 2 German girls, a French and a Brazilian guy. 

What I liked most of the place is the spacious common area, the big terrace with a stunning view of the city and hills behind and the good vibe from the people living here.

I've been in Ireland for exactly 24 days, there's so much to say, so many thing's I've observed and made mental notes of, but I think this post is already long enough. 

Some other day, a bit more inspired I'll start describing these curiosities.

