If only I had stick legs,

I would be a dancing empanada.

The reason I moved back to Buenos Aires is not because I intend to live here, but because I got an Internship at an Advertising Agency at NYC and doing the paperwork from my home country is a lot simpler than doing it elsewhere. 

Before this, I never intended to go to the US, I really thought it wasn't worth it. Why try to get into a country that really doesn't want me there? 
But when I got this opportunity, I thought it over, and it's a great chance to combine 2 of the things I love: traveling and art. So I decided to give it a shot.

That brings me here, today, In Buenos Aires, with around 4 months to spare and next to no dough. Now THAT is something that kind of kick starts my "let's do something" trigger. 

I thought about getting a 9 to 5 job, even sent a few resumes, and got called for a couple of interviews, but while going to the interviews I felt like I was going to court and faced serious charges that could get me locked up for a very long time. Not healthy. I decided to lay off trying to find a job.

Playing the Saxophone on the street was another option, which I personally think I would be very successful at. Passers-by would most likely leave a few notes on the condition that I stop playing until they are out of hearing range. 

Being a dancing Empanada on the street would be a bit to embarrassing, most dancing Empanadas have stick legs anyways so they would probably not even hire me. 

I haven't had much luck with freelancing, although I believe it's the kind of job that goes best with me. 

Conclusion: I need to make my drawings and paintings on stuff (aka sneakers, clothes, household objects) profitable... wish me luck.



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